Game Process Overview
These are the steps The UNIT Game takes.
Basic Steps
A player can purchase yUNIT or nUNIT tickets by depositing into the Prize Pool.
Once a deposit is made, yUNIT or nUNIT tickets are minted and sent to the player's wallet.
Since one round will last multiple days the funds in the Prize Pool are deposited into a Yield Source to grow the final Prize Pool and the Protocol Reserve.
The Protocol Reserve will then accrue the total funds from the Yield Source and deposit funds into the Prize Distributor for players to claim their Prizes given they have the winning tickets.
Players claim their prizes.
Basic Game Rules
A question is posted.
Players make their deposits.
The outcome is decided.
Players claim their prizes.
Game Period
Each round will take 13 days to complete. However, outcomes might be decided earlier.
Sample Game (right prediction)
Question posted: Will XMR enter The UNIT?
In the Ethereum network, Alice deposits 1 ETH in the Prize Pool to bet that XMR will enter The UNIT in the given period.
Alice receives an amount A of yUNIT.
At the end of the round, XMR enters The UNIT.
Alice is right.
Alice claims her reward from the Prize Distributor and obtains her reward based on the yUNIT tokens she holds. In this case, the reward consists of the portion of the coins deposited by all players.
Sample Game (wrong prediction)
Question posted: Will XMR enter The UNIT?
In the Ethereum network, Bob deposits 1 ETH in the Prize Pool to bet that XMR will not enter The Unit in the given period.
Bob recieves an amount B of nUNIT.
At the end of the round, XMR enters The UNIT.
Bob is wrong.
Bob claims his reward from the Prize Distributor and obtains his reward based on the yUNIT tokens he holds. In this case, the reward consists of the yield accrued by the coins deposited by all players.
Last updated
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