Farm Contract

Farm Contract Detailed Documentation


The Farm contract allows users to stake their LP tokens and earn rewards over time.

The main features of the contract are:

  • Ability to stake LP tokens and lock them for a specified period.

  • Ability to withdraw staked tokens after the lock period has expired.

  • Ability to claim earned rewards.

  • Ability to transfer ownership of locked tokens.

  • Allocation of rewards based on the amount of tokens staked and the time they are staked for.

Contract Details


  • UserInfo: Stores information about a user's staking activity, including the amount staked and the user's accumulated reward debt.

  • PoolInfo: Stores information about a pool, including the LP token, allocation points, the last block when rewards were distributed, and the accumulated rewards per share.

  • UserLockInfo: Stores information about a user's locked tokens, including the amount, unlock time, multiplier, reward debt, and the pool ID.


  • accCakePerShareArchive: An array storing the accumulated rewards per share at the end of each period.

  • totalAllocPoint: The total allocation points of all pools.

  • startBlock: The block number when the contract started.

  • cakePerBlock: The amount of rewards distributed per block.

  • periodAmount: An array storing the amount of rewards for each period.

  • periodBlock: The number of blocks in a period.

  • periodIndex: The current period index.

  • lastPeriodStartBlock: The block number when the last period started.

  • tokenFactory: The address of the token factory contract.

  • userLock: A mapping of each user's address to their locked tokens.

  • userUnlockIndexs: A mapping of each user's address to their unlock index.

  • poolInfo: An array storing the information of all pools.

  • multiplier1, multiplier2, multiplier3, multiplier4: The multipliers for different lock periods.

  • un: The address of the UN token contract.

  • lockTime: An array storing the lock times.

  • multipliers: An array storing the multipliers.

  • unPerBlockList: An array storing the amount of UN tokens distributed per block.

  • totalWeights: The total weights representing the sum of all multipliers.

  • userInfo: A mapping of each pool ID to a mapping of each user's address to their user information.


  • constructor: Initializes the contract with the owner's address, period block, UN per block list, start block, and UN token address.

  • setMultiplier: Sets the multipliers for different lock periods.

  • add: Adds a new pool.

  • depositAndLock: Allows a user to deposit and lock their LP tokens.

  • withdraw: Allows a user to withdraw their locked tokens after the lock period has expired.

  • claim: Allows a user to claim their earned rewards.

  • claimAll: Allows a user to claim all their earned rewards.

  • pendingRewards: Returns the pending rewards of a user.

  • updateStakingPool: Updates the staking pool.

  • massUpdatePools: Updates all pools.

  • updatePool: Updates a specific pool.

  • updatePeriod: Updates the period.

  • transfer: Transfers LP tokens to a specified address.

  • getTime: Returns the time difference between two block numbers.

  • transferLockOwner: Transfers the ownership of locked tokens to a new owner.


  • Deposit: Emitted when a user deposits and locks their tokens.

  • Withdraw: Emitted when a user withdraws their tokens.

  • Claim: Emitted when a user claims their rewards.

  • TransferLockOwner: Emitted when the ownership of locked tokens is transferred.

Last updated