UNIT Charts
UNIT Charts show the real market moves
Trading Chart
UNIT uses TradingView technology to display trading data on charts. TradingView is a charting platform for traders and investors, loved and visited by millions of users worldwide. It offers state-of-the-art charting tools and a space where people driven by markets can track important upcoming events in the Economic calendar, chat, chart, and prepare for trades.
Monthly Weights Chart
Monthly Weights Chart shows the market cap percentages of each asset at the start of every month—the foundation for the UNIT Index, providing a clear picture of how UNIT is structured for the month. It allows you to understand the base-level influence of each asset, offering a reliable snapshot before market fluctuations take effect.
Performance-Adjusted UNIT Allocation Chart
Performance-adjusted UNIT Allocation shows how the price movements of each asset dynamically affect their contribution to the overall UNIT Index. While the monthly weights are fixed at the start of each month, this chart reflects how price changes modify each asset's influence in real time, giving an up-to-date view of the index composition.
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