Vault Contract

Vault Contract Detailed Documentation


The Vault contract is a core component of the UNIT project. It is responsible for managing collateral and debt for users, as well as handling liquidation events. The contract also includes flash loan functionality.

Key Features

  1. Collateral Management: Users can increase or decrease their collateral using the functions increaseCollateral and decreaseCollateral.

  2. Debt Management: Users can increase or decrease their debt using the functions increaseDebt and decreaseDebt.

  3. Flash Loans: Flash loans can be taken out using the flashLoan function, which also increases the user's debt.

  4. Liquidation: If a user's account is under-collateralized, it can be liquidated using the liquidation function.

  5. Governance: The contract includes governance functionality, allowing the gov address to set various parameters such as the treasury address, liquidation ratio, minimum collateral, and more.


Governance Functions

  • setGov: Sets the governance address.

  • setPriceFeed: Sets the address of the price feed contract.

  • setLiquidationRatio: Sets the liquidation ratio for a given token.

  • setTreasury: Sets the treasury address.

  • setMinimumCollateral: Sets the minimum collateral amount.

  • setLiquidationTreasuryFee: Sets the fee for liquidation.

  • setFreeFlashLoanWhitelist: Sets the whitelist status for a given address for free flash loans.

  • upgradeVault: Transfers tokens to a new vault contract.

Collateral and Debt Management Functions

  • increaseCollateral: Increases the collateral for a given token for the sender's account.

  • decreaseCollateral: Decreases the collateral for a given token from the sender's account.

  • increaseDebt: Increases the debt for a given token for the sender's account.

  • decreaseDebt: Decreases the debt for a given token for the sender's account.

Flash Loan Functions

  • flashLoan: Allows the sender to borrow an amount of a given token and increases the sender's debt by the borrowed amount.

  • flashLoanFrom: Similar to flashLoan, but allows an approved operator to initiate the flash loan on behalf of another account.

  • flashLoanAssets: Allows the sender to borrow an amount of a given token without increasing the sender's debt.

Liquidation Functions

  • liquidation: Liquidates an under-collateralized account, burning the debt and transferring the collateral to a specified address.

Utility Functions

  • tokenToTinu: Converts a token amount to a TINU amount based on the current price.

  • getPrice: Returns the current price of a given token.

  • transferVaultOwner: Transfers ownership of an account's collateral and debt to a new account.


  • IncreaseCollateral: Emitted when a user increases their collateral.

  • DecreaseCollateral: Emitted when a user decreases their collateral.

  • CollateralOwnerTransfer: Emitted when ownership of an account's collateral and debt is transferred to a new account.

  • IncreaseDebt: Emitted when a user increases their debt.

  • DecreaseDebt: Emitted when a user decreases their debt.

  • Approval: Emitted when a user approves an operator to manage their account.

  • LiquidateCollateral: Emitted when an account is liquidated.


  • lock: Ensures that certain functions cannot be re-entered while they are still executing.

  • onlyGov: Ensures that only the governance address can call certain functions.


  • Account: Represents a user's account, including their total collateral (tokenAssets) and total debt (tinuDebt).


  • vaultOwnerAccount: Maps each user's address and each token address to an Account struct.

  • vaultPoolAccount: Maps each token address to an Account struct representing the total collateral and debt for that token.

  • allowances: Maps each user's address and each operator's address to a boolean indicating whether the operator is allowed to manage the user's account.

  • liquidationRatio: Maps each token address to its liquidation ratio.

  • freeFlashLoanWhitelist: Maps each address to a boolean indicating whether it is whitelisted for free flash loans.

Last updated

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